At, we admire those unique individuals who choose to color outside the lines — the trailblazers, discoverers, pioneers and free thinkers. If you enjoy the mundane and the monotonous, you should probably look somewhere else in your job search. You won’t find busy work here.
Creative people like you spark incredible innovation. And we love helping to connect the next generation of imaginative minds to unique opportunities in uncommon places. Which is why we reserve this corner of our website for jobs that may not fit neatly under a broad category.
From non-profits and volunteer positions to jobs in the entertainment industry, we can help you find your niche with ease.
These jobs mix and match different quirks that are at the heart of what make a “cool job” cool. Maybe you’ve thought about becoming a luxury flight attendant or designing original outdoor gear with functionality in mind. Maybe you have a flair for forest photography. Check this list regularly – you may find just what you’re looking for, when you least expect it.
Whether you are a master in the art of ancient massage techniques or are seriously skilled in sky diving we can help you find opportunities for employment in unconventional areas – for unconventional people; just like you. If you are ready to take the plunge, ditch the desk job and embrace your eccentric side, these job listings are for you!