Are you looking to take a year off before entering into college? But, you want to stay active and earn some extra cash? Here are some great gap year jobs you should consider:
Volunteer. Although this isn’t a paid job per se, volunteering is a great way to get access to paying jobs in the future. If you volunteer at a nonprofit, the library, or at a local community center, this can put you in touch with people who may be looking to hire a recent high school graduate.
Academic Tutor. Chances are good all that high school algebra is still fresh in your mind, so why not leverage it by teaching others? As an academic tutor, you’ll be able to bond with students, not too far from your own age. Plus, you’ll make great part-time money and keep your mind focused on academics for when you enter into college.
Nanny. If you’re great with young kids, especially those under 5 years old, you may want to consider becoming a full-time nanny. Many families are moving toward an at-home nanny model for care rather than sending their children to large commercial daycare centers. In some cases, as a nanny, you may get access to a car to drive your kiddos around and often the pay is higher and more consistent than babysitting money.
Intern. What better way to dip your toes in the job market than to take on an intern position. Not only does this let you see what working in a particular industry, for a particular employer is like – but it gives you the chance to get some professional experience under your belt.
Blogger. If you’re a natural writer or find that you always have a point of view to share, then becoming a blogger could be right up your alley. The great thing about this is you can choose the topics that interest you and it can position you well to explore lots of things that you’re passionate about.
These are just a few gap year jobs you can choose from. Really the sky’s the limit in terms of your choices. The key is to select a job that fulfills you so you’re spending your gap year doing something enjoyable before you have to settle into the college life.
Check out all the jobs on our Seasonal Jobs page.